Monday, August 26, 2013

Journey to Pregnancy

Over the last four years we have been hoping to start a family. We never dreamed it would be so difficult! Last summer we started entertaining the thought of seeing a fertility specialist to see if there was a reason why we were not getting pregnant. October 2012 we met with a fertility specialist (The Center for Reproductive Health) in Spokane and began the many months of testing.

In February 2013 we found out our difficulty was male infertility. Tim has lots of sperm and it is healthy but it has very low motility. The low motility makes it difficult to conceive. In the next 3 years we had about a 15% chance of conceiving on our own but you have to remember there is a 20% chance of miscarriage for all pregnancies but with IVF in 6 months (3 cycles) we had a 90-95% chance of conceiving. So, with the low motility our only option was IVF (in vetro fertilization) if we wanted to continue treatment. Due to the low motility we would also need to use ICSI (Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection) with the IVF.

We were ready to have a baby and didn't want to wait hoping it would happen (we've already been there). IVF is an intricate, expensive and emotional process so it wasn’t an easy decision. After weeks of praying about specifically IVF and months for guidance with the whole fertility process we decided to move ahead with IVF. We trusted the Lord with the entire process and truly feel He was directing us to this path.
So in June 2013 we began our 1st IVF Cycle. June 5th-15th I had daily injections of 2-3 hormones and every other day trips to Spokane for 7am blood draws and ultrasounds!!! On Monday, June 17th I had 14 eggs retrieved. 12 of those eggs were healthy and fertilized. 5 days later (June 22nd) we had 2 embryos transferred into my uterus and 5 embryos frozen for later use. Then came the 9 days of waiting and laying low hoping 1 or both of the embryos would implant. 

On July 1st I headed to Spokane again for a 7am blood draw. The nurse called mid morning to let us know we were PREGNANT!!!! My beta (results from the blood draw) were at 202 and it needed to be at least 50! The next milestone would come July 3rd when that beta needed to double and it did it was 496! We went on July 10th for an ultrasound to see if 1 or both embryos had implanted. There were TWO! July 18th we had another ultrasound and saw two beautiful heart beats. July 31st was our last 7am appointment in Spokane and we heard two amazing heart beats. Everything was going great so the fertility clinic released me to my OBGYN.

On August 15th I had my first OBGYN appointment and we again had an ultrasound and saw 2 babies growing strong. One baby was resting while the other was doing summersaults! 

I know those 2 babies are growing because I've felt horrible for the last 8 weeks. Praying/hoping it gets better over the next couple weeks.

Our "official" due date is March 10, 2014 however with multiples it is very likely they will come early. The hope is that I make it to 37 weeks (which would be mid February).

We are extremely excited and thank The Lord everyday for the two amazing blessings He has given us!

**If you want more information about IVF or ICSI, just google it!**

1 comment:

  1. So very excited for you! I have continued to pray that God would bless you with a baby! And look He has given you two! What a blessing! So happy for you and Tim!
