Thursday, April 28, 2011

I need to organize...I need to organize...

A couple times a year I get the urge to organize. I love organizing stuff to make room for more stuff! We have lived in our house almost 2 years and I cannot believe how much we have accumulated.

Well, my kitchen seems to be getting smaller and smaller. I can’t find anywhere to put anything. I love kitchen gadgets (especially when it comes to baking) and dishes so space is a must. My parents remodeled their kitchen a few years ago and kept some of the old cabinets. Now they want to get rid of them well….I found this 5 foot long cupboard and had just the place for it! The contents in the cupboard cleared 1 ½ cupboards in the kitchen! Now there’s more room for more gadgets!

I wish I could scrapbook but I’m just not very creative but I like to play and try to be creative. Until a couple of weeks ago all the supplies to scrapbook were in plastic totes in the closet and were hard to get to. Found the perfect solution…now I can get to everything quickly.

This last item isn’t really about organizing but I’m so excited to have it. I now own a “real” piano!!!!! I say “real” because for the past 6 years I’ve had a digital piano. I’ve loved it but since buying the house I’ve really wanted a “real” piano. Some family members decided they didn’t want their piano anymore and I was the recipient. It was tuned today and now sounds perfect!  

Friday, April 15, 2011

Kids Say and Do the Silliest Things

As an elementary music teacher I can agree with Art Linkletter and Bill Cosby in that "Kids Say the Darndest Things." Over the years I’ve heard my fair share of funny things but lately there has been a couple that are too cute not to repeat.

1st Graders are some of the best at this…I took my 1st graders outside on the Friday before Spring Break. We all needed just a little bit of fresh air. While outside I was shooting hoops with a couple of boys. After a while a little boy looked at me and said, “Mrs. Krober have you even made one yet!?!” I replied, “Yes! One.

A few minutes later, another boys was giving me “Super Powers”. I had all kinds of different unique powers. Finally the little boy said, “I’ve zapped all your powers away except…the Super Power of bad breath.” I said, “Oh no, does my breath stink?” reply, “No, that’s just the power I gave you.” Not so sure this is a power I want to keep!

A few weeks ago in the middle of music class… Student 1: “Mrs. Krober, you look different today.” Student 2: “That’s because she’s losing weight” (me, starting to laugh inside), Student 1: “You can’t say that, it isn’t nice!” Student 2: “Yes I can. My mom says it is a compliment.” (me, laughing out loud now). I say, “Maybe it is because I’m wearing glasses today.” Both students at the same time, “That’s it!”

This didn’t happen to me but another coworker told me about it. While she was helping a 3rd grader with writing... “I can’t do any more writing.” Why? “Because my brain isn’t storming anymore.” J

I’ve saved the best for last. The week before Spring Break we celebrated all the support staff that helps our school run. So a 2nd grade class made cards for each of those helpers including the helpers in preschool and the birth to 3 years program. This card was made for the secretary of the Birth to 3 program…

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Joining the Blogging World

Well...I've been thinking about this for awhile and have decided to jump in with both feet. I'm not sure my (our) life is all that exciting but I'll give it a try. Between church, school and home I'm sure things will happen that are blog worthy. So here goes....